Costs. Godalming

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Payment is by credit and debit card, or bank transfer. Sorry, no cash or cheques.

Initial consultations last one hour and fifteen minutes; the cost of diagnosis and treatment is £75.

Follow up sessions last about fifty minutes and cost £60.

Herbal medicine varies in price from person to person depending on what they are prescribed.

A herbal consultation as part of an acupuncture treatment – no fee.

A herbal consultation without acupuncture lasts about 30 minutes and costs £30.

Three weeks' worth of powdered herbs typically costs £45.

If you have private health insurance it may cover all or part of the cost of treatment and medication. Please check with your individual health provider about what your insurance covers.

Receipts are available on request.

Recommended Timescales for Treatment

The number of treatments you require will depend on many factors including upon your age and your constitution. If you call me I should be able to give you a rough idea of how many sessions I think you might benefit from.


Surrey Acupuncture - bringing the wisdom of
ancient China to modern England


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